The loss of forestland and the rapid growth of development have resulted in a decline of large forested acres into smaller lot sizes and fragmentation. Budgets that restrict the writing of management plans to 10 acres and the purchase of forested acres by the public with little or no knowledge of sustainable forestry strongly suggest that we need to develop new procedures to attain a no net loss policy.

VA Shenandoah by Vladimir Ivanov We are now working on methods to identify and contact large property owners suggesting they have Forest Stewardship-Sustainable Forest Management Plans written for their property. In addition, locating and servicing property owners with under five acres that have either forested or acres that can be forested to our full service of a mini-management plan. It must be recognized that the mini plan will only serve as a guide for small size property owners to practice Sustainable Forestry and will not provide the benefits of a regular plan but will help to contain Fragmentation and forest loss.

The Forest Stewardship Program features the Health of our Forests and Bio-Mass programs.